
Beulah Opal Surf Switch Fly Rod – Your Premium Fishing Gear Store Rods Lines Baits Accessories^ Hot

Original price was: $795.00.Current price is: $93.00.

Beulah Opal Saltwater Fly Rods are fast action two-handed fly rods designed to load quickly and cast long distances with…



Beulah Opal Saltwater Fly Rods are fast action two-handed fly rods designed to load quickly and cast long distances with half the effort of single hand rods.

The rod I have been using is a 5/6 Beulah Opal Switch Rod, a significant upgrade from a single hand rod. After further research, the 5/6 Beulah Opal became the perfect rod for Surfperch and Striped bass, light enough to feel a significant pull from the fish, but stiff enough to be able to cast overhand to prevent the tiresome double haul. It has been excellent, and I mean game-changing, now we can have some real fun out in the bay and San Francisco’s surroundingbeaches.