Muskies and other Predatorsare often looking for a meal that pushes the limits ofwhat a fly angler can feasibly cast, and targeting these fish with flies often takesModelhours or days of casting between opportunities. Fatigue can mean not having thefly in the water when your fish is ready to eat, or not being physically prepared toexecute a hook-set at the critical moment.
The Exocett Predator rod is specificallydesigned to meet these demands. Increased length of 9′ 4″ facilitates longer overhead casts and keeps the fly deeper on the retrieve. A powerful rod tip easily lifts wet flies from the water and supports loop shape while casting the largest flies behind 350-500 grain sinking and ultra-compact floating lines. The grip is an elongated full wells with a generous rubberized composite reinforcement on the higher impact upper grip. A large flare full wells and elongated fighting butt facilitate comfortable grip points to execute a boat side figure 8, and T&Ts proprietary Strato-Therm resin ensures Exocett Predator rods can absorb the most vicious boat side attacks.
Hardware appointments include matte black roll stamped reel seat, gunsmoke colored RECoil snake guides, and black titanium frame stripping guides.
- Includes aluminum rod tube with machined bar-stock aluminum collar and cap. Blue powder-coat with pewter Thomas & Thomas logo.
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